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About CrowdEstates

Crowdestates was set up to help socially responsible and community-led projects get funding.

We want to support the building of these projects and want to allow communities and social impact investors to invest in property projects that have a purpose.

Crowdestates specialises in secured lending on property projects with a community or social benefit.

We believe that ethical investors can put their money to good use to help underserved, innovative developers make great buildings for sustainable, cohesive UK communities.

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Gus Zogolovitch

Gus has 25 years of experience in both financial services and property, and has been involved in property which have won several prestigious awards with an approximate aggregate value of £100m.

He has a passion for building high quality and well-designed homes and is a huge supporter of community led projects. He is an executive committee member of NaCSBA, is a frequent judge of architecture and has been a key note speaker at several conferences,

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